[ Substance 3D Painter ] How to set the environment map and adjust brightness

When working with Substance 3D Painter, there are times when you want to change the environment map, adjust the brightness, or check the wireframe of the mesh.

In this article, I would like to check the following two ways to change Display Settings.
・Environment map and how to adjust brightness
・How to display wireframe on mesh

Environment map and how to adjust brightness

First, click the  [ Display Settings ]  icon on the right side of the screen.

Environment map
You can change the environment map.

Environment Opacity
You can change the opacity of the environment map.

Environment Exposure (EV)
You can adjust the exposure (brightness).

Environment Blur
You can adjust the amount of blur.

Environment Rotation
You can rotate the environment map.

You can rotate the environment map with Shift + Right Click.

About the environment map (lighting)

The 3D view uses HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image), so changing to the forest "Cave Entry Forest" will result in a green lighting environment, and changing to the red earth "Canopus Ground" will result in a red lighting environment.

HDRI has a wide brightness range and can express actual brightness, so it is used for lighting in videos.

How to display wireframes

Show mesh wireframe
You can view the wireframe of the mesh and set the color.

Show grid
You can set the grid display, change colors, etc.


We have seen how to change the environment map and adjust the brightness.

When creating metallic textures, it will be easier to work by adjusting the Environment Exposure (EV) value to make it brighter.

On the next page, we will check what is displayed in the Texture Set List!
Next page Let's go!

