[ Substance 3D Painter ] How to create the generator Dirt

One of the same generators as Curvature is Dirt.
Based on baked AO and curvature, Dirt can highlight the edges and corners of recessed areas, and can also add a dirty look to the surface of a mesh.

In this article, I would like to introduce how to create Dirt. I would also like to see how to blend using materials from Assets.

How to create the generator Dirt

First, add a fill layer.

  1. Click the [ Add Fill layer ] icon to add a fill layer.

    Set the base color, texture, etc. of the generator Dirt.
    For more information on fill layers, please see this page.
  2. Click the [ Add mask ] icon and select [ Add black mask ].
  3. Click the [ Add effect ] icon and select [ Add generator ].
  4. Click the [ Generator ] button and select [ Dirt ].
  5. Adjust parameters.
  6. You can return to the fill layer and readjust the color, roughness, etc.

About blending method

  1. With the mask selected,

    Click the [ Add effect ] icon and select [ Add fill ].
  2. From [ Assets ], select [ procedurals > Noises ],
    Drag and drop any material onto [ grayscale ].

    Example: Here we are using [ Bnw Spots 3 ].
  3. Change blend mode.

    Example: Here we use [ Multiply ].
  4. Adjust parameters, change texture projection method, adjust position, and adjust tiling.
    Example: Here, the projection method is set to Tri-planar projection.

Adjusting the parameters will be easier if you check the status while switching between the mask channel and the lathness channel with the [C] key.
Press the [ M ] key to return to the original state.


We have confirmed how to create the generator Dirt.
By using Dirt, you can make hollow areas look much firmer. You can also add dirt such as mud or soil to the mesh surface.

Check out how to change hue and create gradients on the next page!
Next page Let’s go!

