[ Substance 3D Painter ] How to add a metal filter

If you're creating metal textures, Assets offers several metal filters.
Adding this metal filter allows you to make more subtle changes to normals and roughness.

In this article, I would like to check how to add a metal filter.

How to add a metal filter

  1. With the layer to be edited selected,
    Click the [ Add effect ]  icon and select [ Add filter ].
  2. Select [ effects > Finishes ] from [ Assets ].
  3. Drag and drop any metal filter to [ Filter ].

    Example: Here I am using [ MatFinish Rough ].
  4. Adjust parameters.

The trick is to adjust the parameter [ Intensity ] of the metal filter to a smaller value.


We have confirmed how to add a metal filter from Assets.

By adding a metal filter, you can add subtle changes to normals and roughness.
You can check the adjustment status by switching to the normal or roughness channel using the [ C ] key!

On the next page, we'll see how to adjust roughness using grunge materials!
Next page Let’s go!

