[ Substance 3D Painter ] How to adjust roughness using grunge material

After creating the base color and texture, we will add expressions such as scratches and dirt to the Roughness. You can use the Asset's Grunge material to add textures such as scratches and dirt to your materials.

In this article, I would like to check how to use two grunge materials and blend them to adjust the roughness.

How to add Grunge material to Roughness

First, add a fill layer.

  1. Click the [ Add Fill layer ] icon to add a fill layer.

    Select only [ rough ] and adjust the [ Roughness ] value.
    For more information on fill layers, please see this page.
  2. Click the [ Add mask ] icon and select [ Add black mask ].
  3. Click the [ Add effect ] icon and select [ Add fill ].
  4. From [ Assets ], select [ procedurals > Grunges ],
    Drag and drop any grunge material onto [ grayscale ].

    Example: Here I am using [ Grunge Scratches Dirty ].
  5. Adjust parameters, change texture projection method, adjust position, and adjust tiling.
    Example: Here, the projection method is set to Tri-planar projection.
Tri-planar projection

Tri-planar projection is a projection method that projects into 3D space.
Since it is projected across the xyz axes, there are no UV breaks and you can freely adjust the position using the manipulator.

You can show/hide, move, rotate, and zoom the manipulator using the icons at the top of the viewport.

The position, angle, and scale values of the manipulator are reflected in [ 3D projection settings ].

How to blend grunge materials

  1. With the mask selected,

    Click the [ Add effect ] icon and select [ Add fill ].
  2. From [ Assets ], select [ procedurals > Grunges Bitmap ],
    Drag and drop any grunge material onto [ grayscale ].

    Example: Here I am using [ Grunge Cobweb ].
  3. Change blend mode.

    Example: [ Soft light ] is used here.
  4. Adjust parameters, change texture projection method, adjust position, and adjust tiling.
    Example: Here, the projection method is set to Tri-planar projection.

Adjusting parameters will be easier if you check the status while switching between the mask channel and roughness channel with the [ C ] key.
Press the [ M ] key to return to the original state.


We confirmed how to adjust roughness using grunge material.
There are many grunge materials available in the asset, so please use them according to the texture you are creating.

Check out how to create Curvature (edge wear) on the next page!
Next page Let’s go!

