[ Unreal Engine 5.3.1 ] How to use Procedural Content Generation (PCG)

About Procedural Content Generation (PCG)

When creating grasslands and forests, I used to use the Procedural Foliage tool. Since UE5.2, it is now possible to randomly place natural objects using Procedural Content Generation (PCG).

I have summarized the steps for PCG in a video below, so please take a look.

  • How to create a simple “grassland volume”
  • How to create a "forest volume" using splines and cut down (delete) trees using paths
  • How to place multiple static meshes on a path
  • How to cut down (delete) only trees in unnecessary parts of the forest
  • How to create a vine volume from a mesh

Click here for the official Unreal Engine 5 documentation.

PCG Tutorial - digest

How to create a simple “grassland volume”

How to create a "forest volume" using splines and cut down (delete) trees using paths

How to place multiple static meshes on a path and how to partially delete them

How to create a vine volume from a mesh

